Monday 12 November 2012

Day 2 - Toucheng Farm Resort & Orphanage

The second day of our trip began with a memorable visit to the Toucheng Leisure Farm. The expansive farm is situated mainly on a mountain slope featuring bamboo groves and a wide variety of trees and fruit orchards. Wild chickens, geese, ducks, pigs, goats, and other farm animals as well as a wide variety of flowers and plants can be found on the farm. The farm offers various activities such as fruit and vegetable picking, fishing, and shell hunting, allowing visitors a personal experience with the fascinating rural lifestyle.

Firstly, we were introduced to various traditional toys mainly made out of bamboos, and were engaged to make our very own ones through hands-on activities. The process of making the toys was challenging as we were not familiar with the tools and materials provided. However, with much patience, we still managed to overcome all odds and completed our unique toys eventually.
Next, we proceeded for an enriching tour around the farm under the guidance of a local farm guide. We were able to experience the beauty of Mother Nature, which rarely exists in urbanized Singapore. The farm guide provided clear and interesting information about the area and through this experience, we learned more about environmental sustainability, the importance of environmental protection as well as more ecological ways of living to lead a healthier life. We feel that there are a lot of things for Singaporeans to learn from the locals at the farm. Although the standard of living and quality of life in the farm is not high in comparison with one in a city such as Singapore, the locals are willing to put in extra effort to minimize any negative impacts of the environment. We need to really heighten our awareness for environmental protection in Singapore!
Our final activity stretches our creative mind to design our very own Toucheng T-shirts. The process involves the dye-printing of maple leaves freshly plucked from the farm. With our creative hands and imagination, we transformed our white T-shirts into different Picasso-like outfits.
Our next and final destination for the day was the visit to a local orphanage. The care-taker of the orphanage shared some stories about the children with us. Most of their parents were left with no choice but to send them to the orphanage. The children’s stories made us appreciate kinship and that we are fortunate enough to have a complete family with parents who are always there for us. Although the children are away from their families, they still live each day to their fullest and maintain a positive attitude towards life. The selflessness of the founder instills the value of empathy in us and made us realize the importance of helping others. Without needing to be rich, we can still do our part in helping the less fortunate and make the world a better place for everyone.                        
Thats it for Day 2! Stay tuned for more updates!

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