Wednesday 21 November 2012


In summary, the students have gained more knowledge about the history, geography and culture of Taipei, Taiwan in this trip through their visits to the:
·       Taipei 101 (Geography, Art & Design)
·       Toucheng Farm Resort (Culture)
·       National Palace Museum (History)
·       Taipei Discovery Centre (History)
·       Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall (History)
·       Yeliu GeoPark (Geography)
·       Chiang Kai She Memorial Hall (History)
·       Yingge Pottery Museum (Art and Design)

Their experiences have made them more aware of how Singapore relates to the world at large. They are generally grateful for the high standard of cleanliness (especially in public areas), safety and security in Singapore. They are also very grateful for Singapore’s favourable geographical location where it is less prone from attack by natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons.

After their visit to one of the orphanage in Yeliu, the students also realise how fortunate they are in Singapore with supportive parents around them all the time. They will show greater appreciation for their parents’ care and concern for them from now onwards.

The friendly matches with the different high schools have left a great impact to most of the students. Although the students did not win in their friendly matches, they realise the need to stay confident on court in order to maintain the focus to perform in their games. They have learnt what it takes to be resilient athlete, the importance of teamwork and the essence of good sportsmanship through these few matches in Taipei. These values will definitely bring them a long way in future!

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