Friday 16 November 2012

Day 5 - Yeliu GeoPark & Minghu Junior High School

Hi everyone!

Today is our fifth day in Taipei and we visited the Yehliu Geopark where we had the time of our lives. This is truly a park of natural wonders: rocks carved by wave-cutting and weathering over years and years were formed into shapes resembling figures that are real. The most famous one is of course the Queen’s Head, among other “statues” that are named the Fairy’s Shoe, the Mushroom Rocks, the Tofu Rocks, and the Elephant Rocks, along with many interesting potholes. The view there was indeed magnificent we enjoyed the strong sea breeze blowing at us.
Our tour guide highlighted that these rocks were initially formed 4000 years ago as a result of earthquakes caused by the constant movement of tectonic plates. In fact, that was also how Taiwan was formed! It was really an eye-opening experience for us to learn so much about how nature can do its part to form a country. The forefathers of Taiwan were also very smart in transforming this venue into a famous attraction so as to promote tourism in the country.
This trip to Yeliu Geopark allowed us to gain insight into the formation of this sea-erosion landscape. We also learnt about how different factors such as wave attack, rock weathering, earth movement and crustal movement all contribute to the formation of such a rare and stunning geological landscape.
After lunch, we made our way to the second school in our itinerary - Minghu Junior High School for our friendly game with their volleyball team. When we arrived at the school, we were greeted with very warm welcome from their school leaders, teachers and students. Their volleyball team members were clapping for us the moment we stepped off the bus. We felt very welcomed into their school environment.  
We proceeded to the hall for our warming up and very shortly, our competition began. In comparison with Ta Kuan Junior High School, this team is very strong in both their attack and defense. Gradually, we were able to figure out a tactical play to counter their strengths - tipping balls and jumping over the block, and we steadily moved up in our points. Although we only won 2 sets out of 5 sets, the scores for each set were very close to each other. Overall, it was a very good game and we displayed the true spirit of perseverance. We learnt the importance of not giving up easily and be intimidated by the lead in scores when faced with a stronger opponent. We need to be confident with our own abilities and be able to play steadily in our games.

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